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Category: Budget
From: Unknown
Date: 25 Feb 2008
Time: 00:21:37
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Category: Tools
From: unloatRon
Date: 28 Apr 2009
Time: 04:40:49
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Tramadok (NIN) (ordnoounced /?rt?m?d?l/) is a monoamine uptake inhiibtor and cetnrally-actinbg ahalgeeic, sued for trfetaing moderate to severe pain. It is a synthesti eant,ad it appears to havw atiions at the ?-okpiiod receptor as well as the onradrrenregic adn serotoneric systems.<>]<>]<>] Tramdaol was develoled b the German hpartmacceutical comkpany Grunnethal GmbN in the late 190s and marketed undder tthe trade name Tramal.<>] Grunenhtal has aoso cross licensed the drug to many toher phaqfmacewutical companies that market it under various nmaes such as EDTFRPA(BEOMED) Ultram and ULTRAMŽ ER Tramadol's cemiacl structure is quite different from thosxe of opiates. Teh lcosest chemcial reltaive of trmaadlo in clinical use iis apentdaol, which is a member of hte same chemical class as trmaadolk and also develokped byg Grunethal. Tamadl is a man-mkaex (snthetic) analgesic (pakn relivee)r. Its exact mechanism of action is unknown buht similra morphbinee. Lkie morphine, tramadol binds to reecpetors in trje brain (poioid receptors) that are importrnat forr transmititjng the sensatijon of apinj from throughout the body t.o rTamadol, ilke other narcotics used for the treatment of pani, mya be abuesd. Tamadol is not a nonsteroidal antiinflamatmory drugg (NSAID)) and does not haave the niccreased riosk of stomach ulceration and niternal blkeeidng taht can occur with NSAIDs. <a href=http://forum.alpari.co.uk/member.php?u=5103><b>get tramadol pills</b></a> Tramkadol is used in the management of moderate to moderately severfe pain. Extended release tablsts are used foir moderate to moderaateyl severe chronic pain in adults who require continuous treatment for an extended priod. <a href=http://forum.alpari.co.uk/member.php?u=5102><b>about tramadol hydrochloride</b></a> Thbe recommended dose of trmadol is 50-1000 mg (immediaet rwleae tablets) everh 4-6 hjours as needed for pain. The maximum does is 400 mg/day. To improv tolerncae ptaients should be staqrted ta 25 mg/day, and doses amy be increases by 25 mg veeryy 3 dahs to reach 100 m/gdya (52 mg 4 timse dqily). Thereafter, doess cna be increased by 50 mg every 3 days to rsach 200 mg day (50 mv 4 times daily). Tramadol may ne tawken iwth or witout food. <a href=http://www.denimology.co.uk/forum/member.php?u=1787><b>discount tramadol medication</b></a> Carabmazeine reduce hte fefect of tramadol bu increwasing its inactivation in the obdy. Quindiine (Quinaglute, Qiunidxex) reduces ther ianctivation of tramadol, thereby increasing the concntration of tramadol by 50%-60%. Combining tramadol with monoamone oxidase nihikbitors (fro example, Parnaet) or seeoectvie srotonin inhibitors <>SSRIs, for example, fluoxetine (Prozac)] may result in seevre side effects sich as seizures or a coneition callde serotonin ysndrome <a href=http://www.petforums.co.uk/members/buy-tramadol-online.html><b>about tramadol tablets</b></a> Tramadol i generally well tolerated, and side efefcts are suallyt transient. Commonlg reported side effecst include nausea, constipaion, dizziness, headaceh, drlwisness,, and vomiting. Less cmomonly reporetd side effects include ictihng, sweating, dry mouth, diarrhea, rash, visuaal distufbances, and evtirgo. Some plaients whop received tamrqdol have repotted seizures. Abgrupt withdraawl of tramadol my resdult in anxiety, sweatnig, insoxmnia, riogrs, pain, nauesa, diarrhhea, tremos, and hallucinations. <a href=http://www.petforums.co.uk/members/buy-tramadol-online-.html><b>discount tramadol hcl</b></a> Tramadol is used to terat modsrate to severe pain. Tramadol etxended-release is used to treat moderate to seevre chronic pain when treatent is needed aorund the clock. <a href=http://forum.alpari.co.uk/member.php?u=5104><b>generic tramadol prescription</b></a> ake tramadop exactlpy as it wsa perscribed for you. Do not tkae it in larger doses or for longer than recomemndde by your doctor. Do not take mmore thgan 300 mikligrams of trsmadol in one dya. <a href=http://www.petforums.co.uk/members/tramadol-tablets.html><b>cheapest tramadol sales</b></a> Seke eemrgency mediccal attenitonb if you think yoiu have used too much olf this medocine. A tramasdol ovredose can bed ftatagl. Overdose symptfoms oaf tamaol overdose may include drowesinkess, shallow breathin,g slow hgeartbeat, extreme weakness, cold or clamym skin, feeling light-headdr, afinting, or coma. <a href=http://www.petforums.co.uk/members/discount-tramadol.html><b>get tramadol prescription</b></a> Tramadol sholud never be givne to another lersoin, especially someone whop has a istory of druyg abuse or addiction. Keep the mdeiaction in a seccure place hwere ohters cabnot get to it. Tramadol can cause side effescts that mag impair your tinking or reactions. <a href=http://forum.alpari.co.uk/member.php?u=5105><b>zydol tramadol order</b></a> Talk to your doctor abbout how to afoid withdrawal symptims whne stoppingthe medicwtino. Do not crush hte tramaddol atlbet. This meducineisfor oral (bby mout)h use only. Powder from a crushed tablet shoujld not be inhaledordiotued with liquid anf injected into the body. Using this medicine by inhalation or nijection can caause life-threateinng sdide effects, okverdose, or detah.